Destination Spotlight: Varanasi India!

Our guest blogger, Shona Sarquis (Born with Wanderlust) is back. This time around the destination spotlight is on Varanasi India and her experiences there! “Benaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than the legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together”  Mark Twain A visit to India provides […]

Diva Destination Spotlight: Jaipur!

India is a ‘go-to’ destination at Travelling Divas:  we love this country with a passion.  Just because we can’t go there right now doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the tales of a fellow, passionate ‘India’ traveller.   Our guest blogger, Shona Sarquis (Born with Wanderlust),  shares her personal experience exploring Jaipur and why she loves it.  […]

Diva Dreaming: Eating in Italy

While we’re grounded, all we can do is fill our minds with dreamy Travelling Diva moments. In this edition of ‘Diva Dreaming’ we delve into the divine world of Italian food. Delish and totally irresistible! Generalisation Warning:  this article contains a few stereotypes and generalisations that are intended purely to add colour and texture to […]

5 Ways to be a gorgeous, sustainable Diva

Any diva worth her salt knows there’s a difference between making an impact and leaving one, particularly when it comes to travel. A Travelling Diva’s high-heeled entrance at a divine Big Apple rooftop soiree with all the gorgeous people is altogether different to the tippy-toe go-lightly experience of eco-sensitive whale watching encounters in Iceland, or […]

Canada: the perfect winter wonderland!

Celine Dion. Shania Twain. Alanis Morissette. Linda Evangelista. What do these legendary ladies have in common? Yes, yes, they’re all divas of the highest order. But what else? That’s right…they’re all Canadian. Clever you. Now, Close your eyes. Think of Canada. In winter. What do you see? A pair of rugged-up Ryans—Gosling and Reynolds—with mittened […]

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